Bc. Daffodil
Here is one of our favorites, Bc. daffodil (Brassavola glauca X Cattleya aurantiaca), we have had this plant for six or seven years now. We mounted this division on driftwood from a local lake, about three years and it has rewarded us very well. It is a fast grower and has a wonderful fragrance . A few years ago the taxonomists decided to screw with this one. Now Bc. Daffodil is Rhyncholaelia glauca X Guarianthe aurantiaca, who has heard of these, and now it is called Rhyncanthe Daffodil or even worst Rhyncholaeliocattleya Daffodil. I know that the powers that be (taxonomists) are just doing their job to make our world a more organized place, but come on man!