Originally Posted by Wynn Dee13
Katrina- What type of bonsai medium do you use? And what kind of pot? I have bought these guys from multiple vendors and I have received them in everything from plastic pots and moss to clay pots with small rocks. Some came in air cone pots with bark mix and some in clay pots with granite chips.
The most recent (last year) bonsai mix I bought was from Repotme because I was doing an order for some other stuff so it was easier. I got the 'Inorganic 75/25 Bonsai Soil Mix' and I added in a little bit of Repotme's jewel mix to give it a little bit of "dirt" that Francisco recommended putting in the mix. I'm not very exact about things...I just mix them together in a container until it's the consistency I like. Per F's recommendations I'm going for gritty and small chunks w/a "little bit of dirt". I hope that makes sense and I would bet you could find something locally that would fit that bill.
As for pots...I am using a mix of aircone and clay and I think the clay ones are growing a little bit better but it's not a dramatic difference. I like the aircones because I can see how the roots are doing but the plants in clay are doing so well they are pushing themselves up and out of the pots. Both appear to have really good roots systems...which is a milestone for me.
Trial and error...you'll get it. I've killed a few of these along the way and now I'm at a point where I'm starting to give some away. After all of the frustration...I'm realizing I don't even like some of them. LOL!