Cattleya labiata var. rubra 'Ching Hua' SM/TOGA x sib
Cattleya maxima (unnamed clone)
The show has begun.
I like this Catt. labiata var. has rather compact growth and the intense color of the flower is fantastic. The fragrance is quite nice too. (I hear that some variety of labiata does not have scent so I guess it is another big plus to me.

) I was bit worried about this one because earlier in this year I repotted it and during the process I broke and messed up a lot of roots. When this little big guy sent up buds I was almost like cheering. There is also another sheath coming up in a younger p.bulb so I guess I'm lucky.
Ahhh...and the maxima. My dainty lady. And the most recent addition to my collection. I got it few weeks ago with two sheath ready to send up the buds.
When I purchased this maxima from an online dealer there were no info whether it was upland or lowland type...(And the picture of it was of a younger plant than the one I received.)
I was hoping for upland variety since I like compact growth. It turns out to be more likely a tall lowland subspecies... But who cares when I can get flowers as fantastic as this.

I hear that when fully mature these lowland ones can have more than 15 flowers in one spike...I can't wait to see what a fully grown lowland maxima can show. hehehe.
Now I'm waiting for my B. nodosa. I see four sheaths in six new p bulbs, but none of them seems to be ready.