Great to hear that it is recovering!
I have had to restart quite a few orchids. In the early days it was because I tried using bark and bark doesn't work for me but I often end up finding that when un-potting a newly bought orchid, the roots are all dead. This spring, I collected a few more of those. It happens. This is the first year I tried a seaweed additive and I was very pleased at the results.
estación seca, with the Laelia purpurata, you could stake it on top of red lava rock (or another favorite medium). The medium being damp helps to provide humidity for the new roots without the threat of rotting or bruising them. I found that is a pretty good way to rescue completely rootless Cattleyas. The roots will grow into the medium and eventually stabilize the orchid (and you can then remove the stakes). If there are any new roots, just leave them on top of the medium so as not to harm them.
I just gave away my Laelia purpurata last month. It was getting too large to fit under the lights and I realized that they get two feet tall! They are beautiful orchids and I hope the OS member that now has it will bring it in someday when it is in bloom.