This plant is Blc. Fuchs Orange Nuggett 'Lea'. The plant has 7 fragrant flowers on 2 inflorescences. The front inflorescence has 4 flowers that have a natural spread of 2-5/8 inches horizontally. The plant was grown and bloomed by Orchid Center which has hundreds of this clone in bloom at this time. The plant is growing in a 5-inch plastic pot with orchid bark as the media.
Orchid Center is located in Waianae, Hawaii. They used to ship plants to the mainland but I believe they discontinued shipping. I should have taken a photo of their bench with all the Fuchs Orange Nuggett in bloom. It was a spectacular sight. All of the plants were blooming simultaneously.
I bought one of these a month ago at an orchid show. A couple of vendors were selling them and Gold Digger 'Gold Rush'. I think they came from Newman's. It's a great plant. I'm glad it's offered again.
Great picture as usual.