Both Mari's Songs divided by rotted rhizomes.
I lost quite a bit of roots on both (and probably all on the biggest original plant.)
I have them sitting on the LECA so I can monitor them.
I hope I got the rotted areas in time.
Whatever infected them, it
smells... Just like foul decaying plants. Probably typical.
Here's the album if you want to check them out.
1. Younger plants/seedlings have a harder time surviving cold shipping.
2. Always unpot if something is suspicious.
3. Show infected areas no mercy. They must go, at least what you can see.
4. Physan is good to have around before something like this happens.
5. Knowing when to use physan (well in this situation)
6. Infections can spread REALLY fast.
7. Buy products that may be needed before they happen. If you wait to get it when symptoms are present, you could be too late. Example: spray bottles, cotton balls, systemic fugacide, certain fertilizers, pots.
8... Ok ok.. I'll stop listing lol.
*** I've talked to the seller and we're all good. It's most likely that the plants couldn't resist infection during shipping. The Lc. Final Blue looks okay, but it's not as young.
I hope I don't have to unpot him too.