Not sure if anyone is still following this thread, but here is a little of what I've learned about C. mooreana:
I obtained several C. mooreanas from Lee Moore over the years. I used trek down to his townhouse in Kendell (Miami) where he'd have tons of Peruvian species spread out on blankets in his living room. He'd import them from his nursery several times a year, make a few phone calls and we'd all come down.
What I noticed about C. mooreanas w/smaller growths is that they tended to grow better than the mooreanas with full sized growths. It seemed to me that there was a mini Catt population and a standard Catt population of C. mooreana.
The flowers on both the small and large form are the same. Lee said that the smaller form was an intergrade population w/luteola somewhere in its background. I also had purchased several luteolas from Lee and the smaller form of mooreanas growth does look a lot like luteola.
I also heard the same thing from another grower, that the smaller form comes from the areas where luteola overlaps w/mooreana (mid-elevation). The larger growth form comes from higher elevations. I've killed quite of them few trying to get them to grow them in Miami.
While growing C. mooreana has always been challenging for me, the short form was easier to cultivate (for me).