Well I am sure to be the minority, but have never been really excited about C. Chocolate Drop.......until I spied the cultivar 'NOK' in our November silent auction. The colors are wonderful!
When somebody asks what my favorite 'chid is, it's almost impossible to come up with an answer BUT...Chocolate Drop is always among the top three! There is just "something" about the color and texture of this 'chid that makes me
I got this one from Byrd's Orchids in Lakeland, FL about 6 months ago. I had the pleasure of looking through their personal greenhouse where they had the most beautiful Chocolate Drop in bloom, spotted it as soon as the door opened! I asked Bill if he had any others and he said he didn't...so I told him I'd be happy to take
that one
He told me to enjoy looking around and about 10 minutes later, he came up with one for me! Great chids, great people...Bill and Wanda Byrd are always a pleasure to deal with