I went back to this store to see if they had some more interesting paphs this weekend.
Well, before I even went into the store, I saw this beautiful cattleya on display by the window and I knew it would be mine.
It has two spike with three flowers on each.
I can't tell if there is one large plant or two stuck in.
Whatever the case, the plant is so spotless clean.
I am very happy with this kind of color combo.
It is like Williette Wong 'The Best' but pink version.
With pink background, the yellow throat seems to really pop out.
Pictures do not do justice to how vibrant the flower color actually is in person! It is so cheery and pretty!
oh, and it is scented too.
Now I have to take one yellow cattleyas out of my windowsill to make room for this baby.
I have four yellow cattleyas so one has to go.