
yours looks really nice! I hope one day mine will bloom like this
LECA... never heard of it before. but i googled it. You are all lucky to buy this kind of stuf in the store. I must order everything online and pay 20€ of shipping costs minimum.. hate that!
i will try it in moss just like isurus suggested it. but not in sphagnum. it requires too much water. L. alaori would probably rot.
You say sphagnum can survive fertiliser? hmmm i will do a little experiment. :P
thanks for the info Brooke!
regards Gregor
---------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Bud
That is a seedling mix made out of lava and some other rocks....let it support your plant for the moment while you are getting moss online or from the forest....moss is the best for your zone area especially indoors.
You can feed the plant with fertilizer weekly weakly=it needs to don't worry about your moss discoloration = you can always refresh it with a new batch....the important thing is the plant care.
Yeah i was thinking the same
I'll go to the forest.. It's cheaper that way
I'll buy some fern online and when i get everything it's repot time.
Ill let you know how it went!