Originally Posted by Djarum Black
Just heavenly! I love your nobiliors!
If you don't mind me asking, what methods works best for you growing them?
I have a few and would love tips! 
DJ, I mount them on hard wood pieces (without bark), or on tree fern sticks. They seem to like both. In these cases, I water them every single day. Those on the tree fern remain wet for little longer than the others, with no problem. I slow down the waterings a little during the winter months (three times a week +-, depending on the temperatures), but I don’t give a pronounced dry period. I don’t do that because my region is too dry during the winter months, with air humidity often around 20% and sometimes dropping to 12%, which is desert like humidity. In such a situation, it would be dangerous not providing a good provision of water. I only have to be careful to not water in very cold days. I fertilize two times a week. I use chemical common fertilizer with high Cal Mag. I lower the solution pH to something around 5.2 – 5.5 adding pyroligneous acid, which also function as repellent for aphids, mites and other small insects. Once a month I also add brown sugar to the solution (two teaspoons per gallon), or use a formulation I found here already containing sugar. If you need anything else, just let me know.
Originally Posted by smweaver
Ugh! Mauro, you really need to stop torturing us with these amazing photos of your wonderful plants! It's very hard to refrain from grabbing my already abused and worn-out credit card and asking even more miracles of it after I look at the pictures you post. I agree with DJ: those nobiliors are heavenly.
Thanks, DJ. I know what you mean! I use to say that orchids like playing with us… and our pockets!