Are you okay? Heard that the storm was rather nasty.
Yeah I'm fine! Thanks so much for asking. Some orchids took a little bit of a beating but they are fine too. My house is usually very safe. We are blockd by some huge strong trees. A guangu tree (if that's how its spelled) and a large ackee tree and mango tree. I also have a tall wall between on neighbor n I. Its like we are in a natural bunke because I have a looong drive way that come steeply down from the front gate to my house and garage.
But guess what orchid I'm omw to pick up now!?!?
Finally got it!! Here are some pics!
I told u it looked diff from the pics that have been posted by Silken etc.
By the way this is a laaarge specimen...I don't even know if the pic does it justice, but my french windows are about 3.5-4ft across and it takes up one entire window.
Hey, that is a gorgeous orchid! Congratulations! Well worth the wait!
Yes & no. I really love it! But I wish i got it earlier before some of the blooms began to fade though!
Mr. Hamilton said that it has been in in bloom for almost 3 weeks now. Had I gotten it before the hurricane and taken pics you would have been even more blown away at the show! :P
Very nice blooms and impressive plant. You'll just have to show us again the next time it blooms!
Well I most definitely will be 'show'ing off when the new spike that u can see in the photo blooms!
I found out that this orchids doesnt exist anywhere in the world and there have been none for sale for the longest while, and this is the last one Mr. Hamilton will actually sell again. He said its it very very rare....i feel soooo special!! woot! lol