Hey everyone, I am new to the forums. I signed up b/c my mom I noticed started getting an interest in and started collecting orchids. So getting onto the subject: I bought my mom for mother's day a "Blc. Fatari 'carmela'" (which I have no idea what Blc. is shortened for, nor what the rest of the name means) b/c it was a beautiful flower and it smelled unbelievably good. When I bought it I was given a Cattleya care sheet, he gave me a brief overview also about it. I was told bright sun (not full), and it prefers moist substrate (not wet). I noticed the flowers started to I guess I can say "folding" and they weren't like that before, they were spread open. Also I noticed some black/brown splotches and spots along the stem. That was not there when I bought it. Anyone know what's wrong? It would be a shame if this beautiful plant died. I took action early and joined the forum, cause I really do not want this flower to die
Please help! Thanks!