Glen, it came from Sunset Valley Orchids in California. I got it as a NBS seedling in a 3" pot about three years ago. He was featuring about a half dozen rupiculous crosses that he had made and I bought one of each. They have all been very good and easy bloomers. I haven't checked his website lately to see if they are still available.
Jerry - That's funny, Fred was just speaking at my Society meeting on Tuesday. I bought two mini catts that he said I had to have. I will have to give him a call and see what he has hidden away, but considering that he only keeps 100 of any cross that he makes, my chances are slim.
Good luck Glen. I was recently looking for Amesiella philippinensis and couldn't find it on any of the websites. I decided to call Andy's Orchids and much to my surprise they had one. If you don't, I might be able to give you a three bulb division after mine starts new growth. They deplore re-potting and it is a must that they be making new growth when you re-pot.
Please tell me the names of the two minicaats that he suggested. I might order them if I don't already have them.