I got this baby 8 weeks ago. It's sending up another growth but the lit says the leaves are dark green! Thes are going purple at a rate of knots! They aren't in direct sun and the baby catts I bought at the same time are forging ahead. Should I be worried?
I have seen worse cases respond. I purchased a Miltonidium from Lowes that said on the tag "don't bother trying to rebloom this. We will grow more" which I thought was a silly label for several reasons. Anyway, when the bloom was done, I pulled it apart to repot it and discovered two plants in the pot (each had its own bloom spike). One was normal with a couple pseudobulbs and the other was a single pseudobuld with NO roots! Notta! I repotted (this was before OrchidBoard days and before DynaGro KLN) watered daily with clean rain water and later that summer it formed a new growth and new roots. It now is growing well and happily. Two roots is OK now that you discovered the problem. Just keep it light and airy in the root zone. Don't go to the dry extreme though as drought will lead to shrivelling and undo stress. It should be able to handle plenty of water as long as all the water leaves the root zone right after watering.