Originally Posted by Paul
Thanks, Fisx. Based on what you said, I suspect mine may be a ciliaris -- albeit one in which the 'eyelashes' are much reduced.
I thought about a couple of things I perhaps should add:
I try to keep a minimum 50% humidity during the warmer rapid growth months and although this is not at all required for Coiliostylis they do benefit substantially from it.
If there is anything at all fussy about this genus [which, truly, there is not] it MIGHT be that they are strongly resentful of root disturbance. Although some growers stress the sensitivity of Coiliostylis species to root damage honestly I have found them no more, or less, sensitive than the average Cattleya. All the basic transplant guidelines apply here: try to make divisions only when the new leads have just sprouted roots. Soaking the plant to be divided in Physan 20 solution for a good half hour greatly increases the roots flexibility resulting in fewer breaks, with the added benefit that the injuries that are bound to occur are immediately treated with a fungicide/bactericide.