Ok, so a LONG time ago, maybe a couple months after I joined here, I found and purchased a NoID Catt. Even though I knew that every root was dead, I decided to buy it because it was the first (and only) time I have ever seen a Catt for sale in a 'commoners' store. Well, as the title says, it now has a name! I know it is shocking, and I would not even think of saying this unless I was
100% sure. Okay, so like I said, this has been the only Catt I have ever seen for sale at a grocery store, and I wasn't the only person I know who bought one. One of the members of my orchid society just so happened to buy one, and they
somehow were able to get the ID, and the correct ID at that (it was registered by some person in Asia, so obviously this was a mass marketed Catt). So, foolishly, I thought that I didn't have to write it down, because I would remember it, and well I didn't. So today, which is months after I have seen the proper ID, I decided it was time to figure out the ID. I thought it was going to be a daunting task, but I headed to google and typed in 'purple splash cattleya,' and lo and behold, I found one that looked just like mine. NOW, normally even I would say that it is impossible to get the ID from a picture, which it is, but thankfully, seeing the name refreshed my memory, and I was able to confidently ID my Catt! Sheesh, I am long winded, so here is a picture to reward you for reading this!
Lc. Purple Cascade 'Fragrant Beauty'