Thanks for the pics WhiteRabbit

I so hope i can encourage mine to flower this year, but it might not be mature enough yet.
Ive had it 3 months and watched the PB develope beneath its leaf and now the PB sheath turn thin and papery. I believe you can then remove the paper sheath to stop any nasties using it as a home... and this was already dont on the 3 back bulbs when it arrived with me.
So now im just waiting for the next stage then, which will hopefully be a flower sheath as you kindly pictured
Do they rest between PB development and flower sheath production? I THINK from what ive read that they flower spring and autumn IF theyre a bi-annual variety so i wasnt expecting a bloom (if any!) until September/October time here.
Its an awful lot of energy expenditure to extend from the rhyzome....then make that massive leaf... then form a PB to rippen.....and THEN go straight into forming such huge and beautiful blooms??
I think id want a cup of tea and to put my feet up for a bit, before making blooms and looking all gorgeous!!