Furthermore, if you are foolish enough to bid anything prior to the few hours before the auction ends, you drive the price WAY up for yourself!
The smartest bidders wait until the end and just put in the maximum amount of what they want to pay...period.
You win, you lose, whatever.
I have seen repetitively (for some vendors) shill bidding where someone known to the vendor comes in and bids up the price. You can tell because they have a low number of feedback indicating they win very little, their number of bids will be very high, and the percentage of their bidding will be exclusively with one seller.
Although you cannot see the full name of any of the bidders, some simple research will yield an answer.
I know one of the bidders in this auction...can't recall the actual name but their hidden ebay name is always the same...is a nice collector in California.
He outbid me on a number of plants about a year ago and I did some reverse detective work

I don't know who the other guy/gal is....but I can tell you this:
I would bet if you really really wanted an original piece of 'The President' you could find one for less than what the bidding is up to now.
PS...and the best part is that if it virus tests positive, they only guarantee the opening bid price for a return/refund...if I read it correctly