Originally Posted by tucker85
White rabbit, you're right, the spikes take forever to mature and flower. The spikes sometimes get to a point and then stall for a month and do nothing. It makes you think that somethings wrong.
The first time mine bloomed for me - summer of last year - it seemed to be very fast to go from when I first noticed the sheath, to showing buds, to blooming ...
But the next time - early this year, it was sloooooow, and seems to be going even slower this time!
Guess it was messing with my head the first time

Good to know that slow is it's usual MO. Mine seems stalled at "fat sheath" right now, tho been having a cold spell here, so the chilly weather combined with spending some days in the dark (garage), probably is slowing it down further ...
I can enjoy the photo of yours in the meantime