When I saw these flowers, they looked somewhat familiar, but not as Epi pseudepidendrum. Looking back at Epi pseudepidendrum, it's lip is ruffled, with a single cleft in the middle of its lip. This flower has 3 clefts: a deep cleft on each side and a wider shallow cleft in the middle.
Attached is a photo of the hybrid Epi pseudemidendrum x Epi floribundum. (sorry, I didn't realize the center lip was a little out of focus). But you can see that it has the same 3 clefts in the lip & the same flower shape. The colors are slightly different, but I think that's more to do with light quality in the photos ... and of course, variations within hybrids. I'm not certain, but I believe your plant might be this, or a similar, hybrid.
Last edited by catwalker808; 11-20-2010 at 01:49 PM..