Originally Posted by johnblagg
Ok ramble done question is do new roots emerge before new leads have leaves , about midway to pb maturity after a leaf has emerged, or after new lead is pretty much mature and pb is fiattening and from what point ---just at the base of pb or along the rhizome itself?
ok, I have no idea about your plant in particular, however it is a complex intergeneric hybrid... which means it could behave either way... however, as for your question whether roots are produced when and where: 1) new roots are produced from the new lead. However, old roots, if they are healthy, can branch and produce "new" branches or continue growing. 2) New roots grow from the rhyzome, but under the new PB, and normally not from the internodes (space separating the PBs), but this is not written in stone, e.g. L. anceps has new roots also in the internodes. 3) depending on the species, they can be produced before the new PB has leave or even before it starts growing, it can also be the case that they are produced after the PB is mature. You can also have the variation before or after blooming. However, the most common situation is that they are produced before blooming and while teh PBs is growing but not yet mature.
As I mentioned before, different species behave different, and compex hybrids can do almost everything... Your plant is at least 50% L. anceps, that means it could produce roots in teh internodes, and could produce new roots only after the new PB has a leaf...