Ok bought this last august while Visiting my cousin in NC.
I bought it at Ironwood estates in HIckory NC.It is one of three that I bought and these were my first ever catts....and were sold as being 2 to 3 years from bloom size in 3 inch pots.One developed a black crusty fungal looking crud I could not seem to eleminate so I destroyed it ....what can I say sometimes it just happens and I do not blame the vendor.
The other two a Mary Ellen Carter "Dixie Humming Bird" and a Goldenzell "Lemon Chiffon" have done very well.But I did a little experiment with light cycles and about October went from normal day lenght for outside to a long day of 18 hrs a day unde hps.Then after a month back to short days for a month and then after a month of short days back to long days again....
I got a set of new growths every cycle and this spring went back to the day lenght of the actual sun again....
After going back to natural day lenght no new growth has occured untill this last week and poof here we are back in active growth again ....the Dixe Hummingbur at the moment has 13 eyes active and the Goldenzell has 5 but I expect a few more to start still on it.
anyways Dixe has went from a small 3 pb plant to a nice 13 Pb plant and all these great new leads growing now...
I realy would like to see her set buds early but am not sure if my experiment has actually tricked it into blooming a year or so early yet that was my actual goal with the light cycles was to see if maturity time could be speeded up.But shoot a nice huge plant is a nice result too.
WOW John! You got some real lookers there Can't wait to see if they bloom or not!! My little Dixie with one leaf is hanging in there. Waiting to see what she does