Due to the lousy weather this past two months in the North East, I have had multiple issues with my catts and few phals plus others I am currently "forced" to window grow (greenhouse will not be ready for 10-12 weeks). After the spring blooms, I expected the usual growth but instead have had many obstacles.
Problem #1: Tree in the backyard that makes the light "indirect" the whole hot summer has gotten very big now and filtering too much of the light. Rain, Rain and more rain with no sunshine has dramatically decreased my light source. The weather has also required NO air condition and NO heat…so my normally active vents by the window for circulation have not “needed” to run.
Problem #2: Fungus gnats showed up.
Problem #3: One (and one only) catt got black rot
Problem #4: also had a bit of mold show up.
Problem #5: Too many plants, approximately 77 to be exact. Crowding causing ventilation issues and my media is not drying out fast enough.
Problem #5 was actually recognized by me LAST not first. Somehow my self-conscious knew that if I recognized this issue, I would have to admit my sickness for orchids to be out of control.
So I bought more light, and mosquito bits, and Subdue Maxx (which is a small fortune but you get almost a lifetime supply as dilution is 4 DROPS per gallon), and some additional plant stands. My normal routine is watering 2xperweek but I dropped it to once every 5 days. My humidifiers were not necessary since the rain, rain, rain kept things about 50% but I still did my weekly Neem Oil
misting. And I used some isopropyl alcohol for the mold!
Bug treatments successful but roots still look like crap and I am exhausted

I have never in 5 years had so much difficulty with my babes!
....finally....I bought a fan
The lights from heaven shown down and within (I am not kidding) TWO days, I have so much root growth on my plants I am feeling giddy.
I will try to post sample of the roots and window pics

I put an album up in my gallery to view.
You will see how “green” my catts are due to lack of light. But notice my fan in the corner which is a tower hitting all the levels of plants and it also rotates to sweep the area <3
Just wanted to share in case someone might find what I have gone through familiar and maybe can buy the fan FIRST


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