Hi All you have to do is type what you want to say , scroll down to manage attatchments click on it then on browse select the photo you want to post , click on open , then on upload , Marty our webmaster added the cool enlarge picture function not long ago , we don't have to do anything Gin
Very nice Catt Gin, I have one that was in bloom months ago but the flowers never did open fully. I did something wrong but I don't know what. Good growing for you though.
Mine likes warm sun not full all day tho . doubt you did anything wrong could of been an extra cold , gloomy ,spell. I have a mini Catt. that blooms 2 times a year (kind of ) in the warm months it does fine in the winter when it is cooler the blooms don't open all the way and don't last long . Only thing I can figure out is it likes warmer . I checked for brown scale on it and all the other stuff . Thanks for looking at my picture . Gin