Slc. Mae Hawkins is an early cross and nowadays, it becomes rare here.
The photo was taken at a friend's garden. The friend said that the plant was able to bloom several times a year. But it is slightly tricky and to be a slow grower as well.
I love the colors and this flower honest look about it. That may be a strange description of a flower but that's the way it strikes me. Open and honest.
Wow! That is an old cross! My plant records show that I bought one in 1989 and enjoyed it for about twenty years but it ended up virused and I sadly had to trash it.
Shirley, Slc. Mae Hawkins is an old cross so it is not easy to see it.
But at winter shows, somtimes I saw it.
I used to try to get this cross, but a friend told me that this cross was somewhat tricky and hence I do not have it.