Originally Posted by kinknstein
 Hi Everyone 
I am pretty new to growing cattleya's, having only grown them for about a year now so please forgive if this is a dumb question. I have a Cattleya warneri which has been growing really good foor me, and has put out 5 new growths this year. When I purchased it, it was described as being Flowering Size, and was and still is in a 4 inch pot. My question though, is when does it produce sheaths? I have alot of other catt species, and from what I have observed, the sheath is usually produced just after the new growth matures, but I have not see any signs of sheath from my warneri. Does it produce them at a different time? Or could my plant just not really be flowering size yet?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nick, Cattleya warneri, when mature, is about 30 cm tall, including the leaf. That's an average. The sheath production in this species normally begins when the new p-bulb is higher than 20-22 cm, leaf included and it is noticed right after the leaf starts unfolding. Sometimes, young seedlings of 15-18 cm can produce sheaths, but no flowers, something like a preparation for the next, true flowering bulb.
Sometimes, when the plant is already mature and producing flowers, it happens that a new p-bulb matures in the fall. It is common that this p-bulb comes without sheath and a new one starts growing to mature and bloom in the spring.
Cattleya warneri has an unstable genetic behavior as to produce one or two sheaths, one enveloping the other. Sometimes a single sheath is produced, some other times double sheath is produced and very rarely it blooms out without sheath.