Looks good! I agree about the leaves, typically most Cattleya species should have light green foliage. Also, size doesn't always matter (I'm talking orchids here!
)... A very tall plant of a species may mean incorrect conditions (like too little light). I once had a
Cattleya acklandiae with canes a little more than a foot long (which was AMAZING for this smaller species). WHEN it would produce flowers (it usually matured two growths within a year, giving two seasons to bloom), it would only produce one flower per growth. I put it in more sun, and the growths got smaller. Since the change, the plant produced 2 or 3 flowers per short cane, and was starting to ramble about on the mount. The plant looked healthy and great when the canes were very long, and looked sickly yellow and spotted with purple spots when I placed it in the sun. Pretty much the same story happened with the few rupiculous Laelia species I had (they needed more sun and got MUCH smaller as a result of the necessary change)...
Anyways, you have a great plant there, and a wonderful bloom!