I too am interested in compiling such a list and hope there will be lot more responses. There are too many novelty hybrids out there that do not bloom well after they leave the mass production line. Here are my best bloomers and fast growers
1. Bl. Sunset Glory ( Bl Richard Mueller X L. purpurata is in bloom or bud all year since I have 2 plants. Fragrance is mild citrus. Bl Golden Glory ( Bl Richard Mueller X L tenebrosa) has the same reputation as do a number of other Bl Richard Mueller hybrids. I have not heard of quicker reblooming Catts than these yet so if you like the shape of the flowers I would recommend them.
2. Blc. Mari's Glory (Blc Mari s Song x Bl Morning Glory) flowers are long-lasting (~5weeks), over 6 inches, strong floral fragrance wafts across the room. Started blooming 3 times a year. I expect more since it produces multiple leads. It was a seedling from H&R in Hawaii.

3. The following 3, Pot Burana Beauty on top, Pot Little Toshie on the left and Pot. (His Light x Sunstate's Ted and Alice) 'Carmela' on the right also bloom on every new lead 2-3 times a year. Pot Burana Beauty has strong rosy floral fragrance. My Pot little Toshie is not fragrant.
I grow in the North East in the house with a lot of Eastern light supplemented with compact fluorescent lights only in the Winter. The orchids below bloom before the new growth matures so they depend on mature older growth to support flowering.