H&R has sold some of the cross C. nobilior v coerulea x 'Francisco' which is a coerulea cross. I too have seen many flowers of this cross and you are correct that they look nothing like my photo.
It is not the same cross. It is a cross which H&R made independently as a test & for breeding purposes. Some such crosses are limited in quantity and certain nobiliors and many walkerianas have been diverted to Japan, where demand for exceptional cultivars is extraordinarily high. The photo at the start of this thread is a plant from one of the limited run crosses. You are correct that the coerulea color is light, however, I think we all agree that the shape is very exceptional for a nobilior coerulea.
In comparison, attached here is a fairly good example of the 'Francisco' cross. Many have very good color but not necessarily good shape. The next logical step is to cross the two.
Last edited by catwalker808; 08-19-2009 at 07:41 PM..