Blc. Mari's Glory (Blc Mari s Song x Bl Morning Glory)
I apologize for the hasty photos but I just had to take the time to post these pictures. My daughter chose these flowers for the center piece at her wedding next week.

Plant on your right was a division transferred to S/H from water culture about 1 year ago and this is the second time it bloomed this year and has a new sheet growing.
On your left are backbulbs that stayed in water culture just in case I lose the family heirloom. The big surprise is that they produced a lead that has 4 flowers on the spike instead of the two I usually get. They are only 5.5 in across whereas the two flowered spikes produce blooms 6.5 in across. I actually prefer the smaller size.
The second photo is a more accurate color for these flowers and was taken before the last flower was fully open.