Can't take credit for the digbyana, it was one of the stars at the orchid show I went to at Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden in Columbia, SC. It was the first thing I saw so I took a picture, but was so awed, that I forgot to take any more pics!

I wish I would have remembered to take a pic of the huge Blc. Myrtle Beach that Carter & Holmes had on display.
What I did do was score some new 'chids.

I got an Epi. Crystal Valley x Epi. Imatophyllum(flexuosum), a Tol. Robsan 'Orchidworld' AM/AOS x Tol. Newberry Dancer, a Lc. Love Knot 'Carmela', an Ascocentrum curvifolium and a Phal. equestris. All but the curvifolium are in spike/bud

Thanks to Seagrove Orchids and Carter & Holmes for the awesome plants and display!