Originally Posted by Helen
I just acquired a C. tinuis, which looks like a minature catt.
Anyway in doing some research today, I see that it should have two leaves on a very thin pseudobulb, and mine only has 1 leaf on each. I'm very confused. Of course, as we all know, labels can be misleading! What do all of you think?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
It's not common, but sometimes bifoliate Cattleya develop only one leaf during the first stage of development. Later, when the plant gets higher, two leaves appear normally. I examined your photos and your plant has all the characteristics expected for a bifoliate: the stems are not thickened as it would be expected for a monofoliate, the stems are completely enveloped by a papery sheath, the leaves are narrow and pointed.
So, for me you have a bifoliate that, for some reason, is developing only one leaf for now, but it will have two later.