C. Pão-de-Açúcar x C. Penny Kuroda
This hybrid was created by Aniel Carnier (who unfortunately passed way last year) and registred by Roland Brooks Cooke (besides their names, both Brazilians!). Due its size, my plant is probably a 4N
OK, so I'll put on my dummy hat and ask, "How does the number of chromasomal pairs influence the flower and/or plant size?" Is it as simple as "the more the bigger"? I have read odd numbers can give some "strange" results. OK, off with the hat and back to your beautiful flower!
Last edited by BikerDoc5968; 01-20-2009 at 12:30 PM..
Well, the only way to be sure about the "4N" status is doing a cromossomal analysis. But usually tetraploid plants are bigger plants and have bigger flowers than diploids (I have some "normal" C Pedra da Gávea and they are much smaller).
Triploids: odd numbers, "odd" plants! The most famous 3N plant in Brazil is the C walkeriana 'Feiticeira' ('Witch' in portuguese), the best off all walkerianas found in nature (by selective breeding, you can find better flowers today). CW 'Feiticeira' has a normal plant and flower size, but is close to perfection! But......(allways there is a 'but'....) 'Feiticeira' is the worst parent you can imagine! All its descendants are awful! Even mericlones are NOT as good as 'Feiticeira', due its 3N status! A real 'Witch' plant!