Happy New Year to everyone on the forum. This has been an extremely busy year for me so I haven't been on my computer much. I have really missed you guys! I have however been watering my orchids and I'm proud to say I now have my first cattleya in bloom...I've moved on from Phals...

I acquired this orchid in Sept., so I was shocked to see the new sheath (my first time experiencing this) and not only has my first bloom opened, I have a second sheath....WOW!
I have a question about my first bloom. It just opened today so I should be patient I'm sure....The petal on the left side seems to be 'stuck' on the upper part of the lip - is this normal? Also the dorsal sepal is curled back a lot. Is this normal or is some cultural thing causing this? You can see these best in the 3rd picture.
Thanks, any input would be greatly appreciated!