I was told that this plant was chosen as the best yellow Cattleya at the 17th WOC. If that is so, I wonder why it was never registered. It is Lc Orchidglade's Mandarin x L. Bradie. It had two buds but one of them blasted.
Last edited by Leisurely; 11-30-2008 at 12:09 AM..
Could one of the parents be Lc. (now Gsl.) Gold Digger 'Orglade's Mandarin'? This with L. (now S.) bradei look like they could produce the flower you have shown, though I wouldn't expect it to be so full and round.
On the other hand, your photo looks very much like Pot. (now Rsc.) Haw Yuan Gold 'YK#2', which does not have any of the parents listed.
I must admit that I don't know anything about these hybrids, just throwing ideas out there.
Very lovely in any case, I am fond of those gold catts.
Phalaephila, you sure know your Cattleyas. Your guess is correct. I put the wrong name on the plant. The correct name is Pot. (Rsc) Haw Yuan Gold '0-2' (Rsc. Lemon Tree x Rsc. Tassie Barbero. I had a couple of tags beside the computer and I picked up the wrong one. I apologize for the error.
I'm glad we figured out the identification on your plant. I don't know if I have too much time on my hands, or simply enjoy a good mystery; I searched on google images for 17th WOC cattleya, and up popped Pot. Haw Yuan Gold on the second page. It looked like your plant, so I thought I'd mention it here. Glad you had the corresponding tag!