Originally Posted by Rosim_in_BR
Ramón, I’d like to let clear that the above is only my opinion on the subject and represents an attempt of adapting concepts to our orchid world. I am aware the concept of partial albinism is weak scientifically speaking, but not absurd anyway.
Whas is your opinion?
nothing to apologize
not only in orchids but in all plants, teh terminology used above is also correct. However, true albinism is a valid term in plants. The problem is that these palnts would die within few days after germination, unless kept in in vitro culture for a longer period (for gixrj18: plants without Chlorophyl cannot live). For these reason the term is applied to the floral parts (horticultural practice)
I just wanted to clarify the terminology above, as it is quite confusing to see al the names and variations you find applied to orchids. To be honest, I understood it only after many years, and after having spent many many many hours in my Botany lectures... As you said, a green flower with white labelum cannot be called Alba... then Albino is applied, although it is more correct to say Xanthic
...and by the way, as I said in Flickr, your plant is fantastic