I bought this orchid about 3 mo. ago in the "bag-baby" section at Lowes.

Since I had never had an Epidendrum, I decided to buy it while I had the chance. I unpotted it when I got home and found that it only had fair roots after I trimmed the bad ones off. I repotted it in Better-Gro bark orchid mix and then started looking for care info, but I couldn't find much. From what little I gathered, though, it needed quite a bit of light (not sure about fc ??), should dry between waterings, 80-85% day temp., and no less than 60 degress at night, so that's approx. what I have provided for it. I haven't been sure about humidity, though. I have had it in a room with some of my other orchids in 60-65% humidity. I hope that's been ok. ?? It looked "bent out of shape" when I bought it, but I hoped it would cheer up and look more heathy. It doesn't look any different than it did then, though, so I've started to wonder if I have been taking care of it as I should have. By the way, when I bought it I just assumed that it was supposed to look sorta dark purple...is this correct? Would some of you Epi. experts please tell me the care it needs, please?