I've been told that my orchid is of the Cattleya genus
Was wondering if anyone had on of these or had seen one like it. Please excuse the pictures I am working with a broken shoulder. I plan to take more close ups but it may be tommrrow before I can get them up. Any advise or observations are greatly appreciated!
the pictures are rather small, and therefore difficult to guess which plant they are... Indeed, it is in the Cattleya alliance, but for sue one Hybrid... for what I can see in the pic (and with lots of imanginagion due to teh size of them) I would say it has Rhyncholaelia in it (is the fragrance a bit lemony?)
have a look on this site (also check "Related species" on the left side), in order to have an idea of which plants belong to the Cattleya alliance... Cattleya Orchid Source - Cattleya Orchid Species
Last edited by kavanaru; 10-09-2008 at 06:44 PM..
Reason: Link added :)
did you buy this plant in bloom, or it bloomed at your place? if the latest, then you are doing right with its culture if not, treat it like a Cattleya (probably on the High Light side, due to Rhyncholaelia)
PS: Where is the link that you are speaking of above? i did not find that on this page anywhere or i may just be blind. lol & thanks i've killed so many it a whole new ball game for me. lol