Brassavola glauca - Roots before/after new growth?
I have a Brassavola glauca that is a bit of a laggard. Not sure if this species is particularly slow to grow.
I have it in a plastic pot with chunky bark, my understanding is that it liked a bit more moisture around the roots than other Cattleyas. However, I haven't seen the root growth I would've liked to see by now and after reading on the Baker's sheets that some even grow on the ground in very dry areas, I'm thinking it might be craving to be potted in a basket.
Since it's not a very strong plant at the moment, but I don't wanna lose it because it comes from a promising cultivar, I wanna make sure I repot it at the right time.
It has a new pbulb growing atm, does anyone know if B. glauca shoots its roots with the new growth or if it's an after-bloom rooter, meaning, it waits until the new growth is mature to shoot new roots? I don't wanna miss the repotting window if it's short.