Greetings, everyone!
I acquired this rex at the Lisbon International Show, just this past September, from mundiflora. It had not bloomed before, and honestly I was not expecting it to do so anytime soon, but the new growth that started just a few days after I potted it up ended up surprising me with this beauty. There's definitely some room for improvement, but it is quite a show for a bare root seedling!
The flower's NS is about 10cm, and the plant itself is barely 25cm tall (of which 2/3 are leaf size, considering they are extremely upright); so far, there's not much of a fragrance, just a faint honey-like scent this morning, but it's only been open for 24 hours, so it might kick in soon enough. Hopefully I won't kill it before it gets properly settled, to see how the next flower displays turn out!
Please enjoy!