It's OK to ask.
I strongly recommend waiting to repot any Catt until you see new roots nubs just emerge. Try to repot before they're more than 2-3 millimeters long. Some Catts root just before forming new growth, some during new growth, and others later to much later. Repotting before new roots form damages old roots, and the plant may struggle for a long time to take up water until new roots form.
Catts may put out growths without flowers if conditions were not to their liking previously. Typically this happens if the plant is not large enough; if it didn't get enough light intensity, or the proper day length; or if it wasn't fertilized.
I would not divide the plant. Larger plants give better and more numerous flowers. I would find a bigger pot. Choose one that will permit 2-3 more growths. You have time to do this now since you're waiting for roots.