My milleri never bloomed under my care so I don't know if I should adjust anything to promote has a sheath, bigger than the ones it had in past years and I can see there's something growing inside of it but it's growing slowly.
My question is: what is "normal" for this species? Do the blooms inside the sheath grow slow or they are fast?
I have it outside, with day temps between 25 and 30ºC (77 to 86 F) and RH around 40% avg.
During the night temps are between 13 and 18ºC (55 to 65 F) and RH between 85 and 95%).
It gets really bright shade during the morning and full sun during the afternoon. I was growing it under full sun even in summer but in the habitat it grows in bright shade and in summer the sky is overcast most of the days. So this summer I decided to cut the light.
I have been watering it every two days.
Advise needed!