Back again! I noticed a bunch of potential nasties (for orchids that is) hiding underneath a leaf this morning - under the radar. Imidacloprid spray time! No bees are in my growing area at all - so all ok.
I just have 2 pots of L. anceps. You can see the white patch underneath the leaf on the right-hand side. Including a nice flower pic from this morning too.
Wow!!! That is a very nice one Eli. A most wonderful colour. I now see what they mean about 'purpurata of the north'! Is your anceps recovering well from the cold damage?
Wow!!! That is a very nice one Eli. A most wonderful colour. I now see what they mean about 'purpurata of the north'! Is your anceps recovering well from the cold damage?
Sadly the tips are burnt. But the leaves seem okay.