rb, you are lucky you have not had them if mites already give you problems because you certainly can get rid of mites. Quite easily. Permethrin deals with mites no problem
You have never had thrips yet so to give you a comparrison thrips are like a great white shark but lots of them and mites are like goldfish.
Sure if you see a goldfish you might say not a big deal but look at a great white and you might think, ah this is a problem.
Merita, I have never heard of either chemical. When it comes to insecticides I'm the wrong person to ask.
Soap kills thrips just as good as any chemical, the problem is they lay eggs every single day and the eggs are inside the plant tissue so they don't get affected by poison, hatch a few days later and then keep hatching till a month later they are having a party again breeding and laying eggs to repeat all over so if you don't keep repeating treatments they keep coming back.
And they hide deep down in the substrate so very hard to get to them