Thank you, guys! I have 4 seedlings, ranging from 2 to 4 inches, my friend who is AOS judge got them for me through a grower friend, not sure which one. My problem for now is to keep the humidity around the plants. The seedlings are in good medium that does not retain water, and the plants are in net pots with roots on the outside. The roots that I see dry up quickly, and the plants started to look a bit dehydrated. I added LECA and perlite chunks to two clay pots that are a bit larger than the net pots, and put the seedlings on top of that without replanting or adding medium on the sides. The other two seedlings are in net pots only for now. I am in NJ, the house air is dry, 10-15% humidity only, and outside is still on a cool side and dry, doesn't help with the problem I am facing. Maybe clay pot and LECA will help with humidity? All ideas are welcome

I will definitely check out updates on YouTube, thank you for that.