SVO siblings
Yeah, I know I have posted on this subject before. Since I have invested heavily in SVO seedlings (buying from 2-6 of whatever I am interested in), I keep encountering some amazing differences.
First up is (Rlc. William Farrell 'Native Son' x Rth. Love Sound '6-1'). The first 3 plants to bloom, all had cream colored flowers; number 4 was open when I got to the greenhouse today.
Second, I am fascinated by the potential of Ryc. Picotee Passion 'SVO'. Here flowers from seedlings of (Ryc. Picotee Passion 'SVO' x C. Tokyo Magic '6-1'). The first seedling bloomed 4 weeks ago (and is still in bloom), the second seedling was fully open today.
Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.