BogdanAs for my grow setup, in the background you can see two 2x4ft T5 6 bulb fixtures. They have fluorescent bulbs in them currently. I grow many small plants, young plants, cattleya seedlings etc. under there. The lower light and younger plants do well there. However my mature cattleyas and similar reside in a 2x4 grow tent with a 1200w LED that I swapped out a month ago with a 600w (which the C. dowiana grew under most of the time before blooming). I also have some plants in windows like most of us. Overall I definitely get better and less stunted growth with the LED lights in comparison to the fluorescent. They go dim after a year and get less adequate results so I will probably make the switch next time they need replacement.
Do you grow your C. dowianas under LED lights also? I find the results quite worth it. I'm curious how long you have been growing and re-flowering some of them under your care!
Sorry, I just now returned from holiday, that is why I am answering so late.
It's great that after all the rot and worries she is back with a bang (the bloom)!
Mine are in different stages, to be honest I have only a mature one that should *fringer crossed* bloom on the next pseudobulb, it just finished growing a mature-looking one but no sheath. There are some rosita type that have two more years to maturity, those are the "crown jewels" of my collection, even though they weren't the expensive ones. I just think about them as valuable and they truly keep up the pace.
I grow under LED-tubes and until now I managed to bloom C. labiata, warneri, quadricolor, maxima, mendelii (a bad one not even worth mentioning),trianae, lueddemanniana, schroederae, purpurata, x Luminosa (1/2 dowiana), even a Rhyncholaelia Aristocrat (3 sheaths at the moment) and a lot of hybrids. The other unifoliate species are there but still not mature enough.
This is their fourth year under LEDs and they don't look like giving up.