Some of my hybrid Ctsm group...
Clowesia Grace Dunn (one of my favorites!)
Clowesia Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. denticulatum 'SVO II' AM/AOS - a first bloom on this plant so not many flowers but still very pretty.
Cycnoches Golden Shower ‘King’ x Mormodes revoluta ‘Yellow’
Another one that stays compact.
Clowesetum Dragon's Treasure 'Cardrona'
Another one of my favs...the flowers are bigger than Grace Dunn with a very strong citrus-y fragrance. Citrus w/that sort of medicinal undertone.
Mormodes Jumbo Bacia ‘SVO’ AM/AOS x Morm Virgen del Valle ‘Red’
Another first time bloomer. Gotta love the strange twisty blooms of a mormodes! Not the best shots, sorry.
Catasetum Jumbo Eagle
Clowesetum Manny Tavarez
This is a first bloom and I was thrilled w/the number of flowers this one produced for a first bloom. I think it's very pretty and I love the random spotting. Added bonus...the blooms lasted for about 3 weeks.
Cycnoches Swan Cascade
A strong bloomer and the flowers last about a month.
Clowesetum Jumbo York
Prolific bloomer but the spikes look better when staked early. They aren't upright but they aren't pendulous either...just kind of messy when you drop the ball in getting them staked (like I did this year). Messy but still very pretty.
Clowesia Jumbo Grace ‘Jumbo Orchid’
This is a first bloom and it's VERY different than I expected. Radically different. It has the white w/green striping of the warscewitzii parent but the shape...well, it's just off. I'm inclined to think it might be mis-labeled. ?? I'll have to keep looking for the plant i thought I was buying. For now though...this produced a lot of blooms for a first time bloomer and I do like the stripes so I'll keep it, for now.