Hybrids up first....
The first 2 are my black ones and quite frankly...not really a fan of the black flowers. I got both of these as seedlings a couple/few years back but now that they've bloomed...meh. I'll likely get rid of at least one of them.
Fredclarkeara After Dark and it is a black, black, black one. Even w/back lighting it's almost pure black.
And, Monnierara Millennium Magic ‘Witchcraft’ AM/AOS- I had 2 spikes on this one which I found surprising for a first bloom. This one has a bit more burgundy to the flowers so it's not as dull looking. I like the shape of this one over the After Dark and I prefer the waxier flower so if I keep one, it'll likely be this one. Plus, it has a neater growth habit.
On to the Ctsm I find far more interesting and pretty....
Catasetum Jumbo Eagle -- I should've gotten pics of this one sooner because the flowers had already started to fade.
Cycnodes Wine Delight 'Jumbo Orchids' - my first Catasetum and one of my favorites. This is a huge plant...that clay pot is 10". I only had 3 spikes on it this year but still gorgeous. Smell like cherry cough medicine.
Mormodes Jumbo Bacia ‘SVO’ AM/AOS x Morm Virgen del Valle ‘Red’ -first bloom on this one for me - small-ish plant and the color is best a few days after opening. The pink on the lip almost glows but when it first opens the entire thing is the darker color of the petals.
Clowesetum Dragon’s Treasure ‘Cardrona’ - I think this is my favorite of all of my Ctsm....gorgeous pink and it lasts quite a bit longer than most in this family.
Clowesia Grace Dunn - probably my 2nd favorite -
Here's some comparisons of Grace and Dragon side by side...you can see how much bigger Dragon's flowers are.
And now the species
Catasetum sanguineum - I love the upright spikes on this one but wished there was a bit more color to it. BTW - the stake is not needed to keep the spike upright but I was transporting it to a meeting that evening and wanted to make sure the spike wasn't bouncing around for fear of the pollinia getting shot all over the place.
Cycnoches warscewiczii - Giant flowers! The display was a bit wonky but all in all a very nice flower.
Mormodes skinneri - opens a very yellow w/a white lip and then fades to creamy white overall. Small plant and very floriferous. This is a first bloom, 3 spikes, and it's in a 4" pot and will stay in this pot for at least another year, maybe 2.
Lastly, Mormodes rolfeana - another first bloom for me on this one. Just got it about a year ago and at some point in the summer a slug slipped in the pot...I had no idea...until I saw it munching away on the end of the newly growing spike one morning. GRRRR! I thought for sure the spike was a goner but it manged to eke out one lone bloom. Even if it's a little off in shape...I'm super happy this is a bright yellow one! As is the case w/many in the Ctsm family, there tends to be a lot of variation in this species and I was hoping for a yellow rather than one of the dark brown/burgundy ones.
Another pretty small plant -
That's it for the Catasetum!